Saturday, June 27, 2009

Warm Chicken Salad

For the past two weeks I've been eating a lot of salad. And I've been trying to be creative with it to keep it interesting. Most days by lunch time I was so hungry that I forgot to take a picture of each salad before eating it, but I remembered this one time!

You need some Thai red curry paste for this one. The recipe says to mix the chicken pieces and curry paste and refrigerate overnight. If you plan ahead and can do this, great, but I've made it many times by just mixing the paste and cooking the chicken straight away. This time though I did plan ahead! I planned so well, I planned for us to have chicken for dinner the night before so I could keep some of the chicken separate for my salad. But then had a change of plan the next day and had a salmon salad instead. So this time the chicken was WELL marinated for two days!

I didn't have lemon grass so just left that out. Same with the red onion and the mint. Also sadly didn't have the fish sauce this time so just made a little dressing with oil and lemon juice. But do try the fish sauce, it's delicious.

Oh and I don't heat the tomato and mint. So I cook the chicken and then just add it over a normal salad with whatever you like in it.

Try it!


500 g chicken breast

2 t Thai red curry paste

1 t chopped chilli


1 stem fresh lemon grass, white part only

1 red onion, chopped

2 tomatoes, cut into wedges

1/2 c chopped fresh mint

1/4 c chopped fresh coriander

400 g mixed salad leaves


1 1/2 T soft brown sugar

2 T fish sauce

2 T lime juice

2 t oil

  1. Cut chicken. Mix with curry paste, chilli, garlic and lemon grass. Refrigerate overnight.
  2. Spray pan. Cook chicken. Remove form pan. Cook onion. Return chicken and any juices and tomato, mint and coriander. Stir until heated and set aside.
  3. Dressing: Mix all ingredients.
  4. Toss all together.

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