Thursday, July 30, 2009

Salmon with mango salsa

My mom sent me this recipe which she got from the weight watchers website, so enjoy (in moderation) as it probably means it is less fattening! (The potato wedges aren't from weight watchers, but at least they were oven baked!)

For the marinade:
- 2 T red curry paste
- 4 T plain yoghurt
- Pepper
Mix together and place fish in marinade for at least half an hour.

For the salsa:
- 1 Small mango
- 1 Red onion
- 1/4 Gherkin
- Chili to taste
- 4 T Fresh mint
- 1 t Lemon juice
Finely chop all the ingredients for the salsa and mix.

Grill salmon 6-8 min, turning once. Serve with salsa and a wedge of fresh lemon. Don't be like me and only remember about the already cut lemon wedges still lying on the counter when we've just about finished the fish!! I always forget something!

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