Monday, July 6, 2009

Poached salmon

Tonight I cooked salmon for the very first time! And it turned out great :-) I never cook fish. Mainly because I don't know what to do with it. The only fish we ever eat is tuna from a can and the smoked salmon my mom brought us a few weekends ago which I loved!

When one of the dinners on my sister's healthy menu she set up for me said salmon I started thinking I should give it a try. Then last week André came home from work (and I always ask him what he had for lunch because they get the most delicious sounding lunches at work) and he told me about the salmon he had which was so good. One of his co-workers actually told him how they just cook it in some veggie stock. That didn't sound to hard.

So here's what I did tonight: I bought two salmon fillets in a weight watchers package because it looked like a good size, it looked clean and neat and not like a fish or a used-to-be fish. And an added bonus - it's from weight watchers so it should be even less fattening!

Once in the kitchen with the frying pan out, I started feeling a bit more creative. I got the veggie stock to a boil and then added chopped onion, garlic, red pepper and broccoli.

I let that simmer for a bit, then moved it to the sides of the pan and added the salmon. 6 min on one side then about another 3 min on the other side and it was done.

André wanted some oven baked fries so I had that going in the oven as well as a sweet potato which I wrapped in foil and baked for an hour. Delicious! I love sweet potato.

And here it is! (This is Andre's plate, his looked better with all those fries!)

Now I plan to do salmon once a week and try a different recipe each time.

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